We set out to identify those children discharged from the hospital with a central line and determine their rate of CLABSI. We developed tools for tracking line days and investigating blood stream infections” Kaminsky and Stoll (2017).
Central line associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI) in children at home with central lines is a common cause of hospitalization and a major cause of morbidity. Little is known about the rates and impact of CLABSI acquired in the ambulatory setting. We set out to identify those children discharged from the hospital with a central line and determine their rate of CLABSI. We developed tools for tracking line days and investigating blood stream infections.
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Kaminsky, P. and Stoll, T. (2017) Across the Continuum: Central Line Care From Hospital to Home. American Journal of Infection Control. 45(6), Supplement, p.S36.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ajic.2017.04.056
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