
This experimental study was conducted to determine the effect of using a virtual reality headset on decreasing the pain felt during a venipuncture procedure in children” Aydın et al (2019).


PURPOSE: This experimental study was conducted to determine the effect of using a virtual reality headset on decreasing the pain felt during a venipuncture procedure in children.

DESIGN: This was a randomized controlled study.

METHODS: The population included 120 children (experimental group = 60, control group = 60) aged 9-12 years who underwent blood collection at a children’s hospital clinic. This study collected data using the information form regarding introductory characteristics of children and the venipuncture procedure, the Visual Analogue Scale, and the Wong-Baker Faces Pain Scale.

FINDINGS: This study found that the levels of pain that experimental group children felt during the venipuncture procedure were lower than the levels of pain indicated by control group children (P < .05). CONCLUSIONS: It was determined that using a virtual reality headset has an effect on decreasing the pain felt during the venipuncture procedure.

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Aydın, A.İ. and Özyazıcıoğlu, N. (2019) Using a Virtual Reality Headset to Decrease Pain Felt During a Venipuncture Procedure in Children. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing. September 5th. doi: 10.1016/j.jopan.2019.05.134. [Epub ahead of print].