"While existing literature predominantly addresses personal and interpersonal stigma, the influence of structural stigma on care delivery practices remains understudied. Our research aims to investigate the impact of structural stigma on care processes for individuals with SUD admitted to acute medicine units" Rehman et al (2024).
Stigma within inpatient care for people who inject drugs


Background: Individuals suffering with addiction have historically experienced disproportionally high levels of stigma. The process of inpatient care for those with substance abuse disorder (SUD) is multifaceted, shaped by the interplay of human interactions within the healthcare team and overarching structural factors like policy. While existing literature predominantly addresses personal and interpersonal stigma, the influence of structural stigma on care delivery practices remains understudied. Our research aims to investigate the impact of structural stigma on care processes for individuals with SUD admitted to acute medicine units.

Methods: We conducted a secondary analysis of observation notes and interview transcripts utilizing an analytic framework related to structural stigma adapted from previous research. Data was collected from June 2019 to January 2020 in 2 hospitals. 81 participants consented to observation and 25 to interviews. Interviews were conducted with patients (n = 8), healthcare staff (n = 16), and caregivers (n = 1).

Results: Each aspect of care for people with SUD is adversely influenced by structural forms of stigma. There was evidence of a gap in accessing care and time pressures which deteriorated care processes. Structural stigma also manifested in the physical spaces designed for care and the lack of adequate resources available for mental health and addictions care. We found that structural stigma perpetuated other forms of implicit and explicit stigma.

Conclusions: Structural stigma and other forms of stigma are interconnected. Improving care for people with SUD in hospital settings may require addressing structural forms of stigma such as how physical spaces are designed and how mental healthcare is integrated with physical healthcare within inpatient settings.


Rehman M, Chapman L, Liu L, Calvert S, Sukhera J. Structural stigma within inpatient care for people who inject drugs: implications for harm reduction. Harm Reduct J. 2024 Feb 27;21(1):53. doi: 10.1186/s12954-024-00971-6. PMID: 38413991; PMCID: PMC10900608.

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