"Confidence when performing PIVC with difficult access, regardless of USS, increased significantly following the course (p < 0.01). This was also true regarding confidence when performing USS-PIVC (p < 0.01.). Key themes identified included technical skills, confidence, and clinical utility" Pham et al (2024).
Ultrasound-guided cannulation training for foundation doctors


PIVC (peripheral intravenous cannulation) is an essential skill for newly qualified foundation doctors. It has high failure rates, resulting in care delays, pain, and infection. We explored the perceived impact of ultrasound guided PIVC training on confidence when performing difficult access PIVC. We surveyed 88 foundation doctors to evaluate their perceptions on USS-PIVC. Each cohort of participants were given two sessions over a two-month period. Confidence was assessed using electronic questionnaires through 5-point Likert scales and free text responses. Confidence when performing PIVC with difficult access, regardless of USS, increased significantly following the course (p < 0.01). This was also true regarding confidence when performing USS-PIVC (p < 0.01.). Key themes identified included technical skills, confidence, and clinical utility.


Pham DMH, Aldous DRG, Brincat DS. Implementation of Ultrasound-guided cannulation training for foundation doctors. Clin Med (Lond). 2024 Oct 22:100256. doi: 10.1016/j.clinme.2024.100256. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39447875.

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