
Catheter locking solutions such as recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA) are used to treat and prevent clotting of hemodialysis (HD) catheters during HD treatments and the interdialytic period” Wilson et al (2016).


PURPOSE: Catheter locking solutions such as recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA) are used to treat and prevent clotting of hemodialysis (HD) catheters during HD treatments and the interdialytic period. However, evidence to guide the use of rt-PA for catheter dysfunction is limited.

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METHODS: We evaluated outcomes using two catheter dysfunction protocols in a cohort of consecutive prevalent dialysis patients (Jan 2013 to Sep 2014) undergoing HD with a tunneled catheter. In the intensive protocol, rt-PA was administered to all catheters based on blood flow and/or line reversal. In the standard protocol, rt-PA administration was based only on blood flow. The primary outcome was the rate of rt-PA use for catheter malfunction (rt-PA treatment days/1000 total line days; [TLD]). Secondary outcomes included the cost of rt-PA/TLD and the rate of catheter-related bacteremia.

RESULTS: There were 26 and 35 patients managed by the intensive and standard protocols, respectively. The rate of rt-PA use was 52/1000 TLD (intensive) versus 39/1000 TLD (standard) (rate ratio 1.30, 95% CI 1.12-1.52 CI, p<0.001). The rate of bacteremia was 0.43 and 0.22/1000 TLD for the intensive and standard protocols, respectively (p = 0.491). The cost of rt-PA was CDN $5.58 and CDN $6.15 per TLD for the intensive protocol and standard protocol groups (p<0.001).

CONCLUSIONS: Managing catheter dysfunction based on line reversal and blood flow as opposed to only blood flow was associated with a higher rate of rt-PA use, but at a reduced overall cost.


Wilson, J.S., Mossop, P., Soroka, S.D., Dipchand, C., Drost, S., Sheehy, N. and Tennankore, K. (2016) Comparison of intensive versus standard hemodialysis central venous catheter dysfunction protocol using rt-PA: a quality assurance initiative. The Journal of Vascular Access. February 5th. [Epub ahead of print].

doi: 10.5301/jva.5000501.

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