"After we succeeded in detaching the adhesion with the guiding catheter, we were able to withdraw the implanted catheter" Togami et al (2022).

Difficult implantable port removal


We encountered a patient with an infection related to an implanted central venous port-catheter that necessitated removal of the system. As the catheter had tightly adhered to the venous wall, removal was impossible with standard methods. After trial and error, we used a guiding catheter that was advanced over the implanted catheter to detach the fibrin sheath on the implanted catheter that had adhered to the vessel wall. At that time, a pull-through technique was used. After we succeeded in detaching the adhesion with the guiding catheter, we were able to withdraw the implanted catheter.


Togami K, Yoshimatsu R, Yamanishi T, Maeda H, Izumi T, Miyatake K, Matsumoto T, Yamagami T. Removal of central venous port-catheter by the combination of interventional radiological procedures. Minim Invasive Ther Allied Technol. 2022 Dec 21:1-4. doi: 10.1080/13645706.2022.2154612. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36542515.

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