"This article outlines the factors that can cause pain for adult patients requiring a PIVC and recommends that the use of local anaesthetics be more widely considered when inserting a cannula" Welyczko (2020).


Caring for patients with peripheral intravenous cannulas/catheters (PIVCs) is an important part of the nurse’s role and insertion of PIVCs has traditionally been a post-registration nursing skill. With the introduction of the Nursing and Midwifery Council Standards of Proficiency for Registered Nurses in 2018, insertion of PIVCs is to be incorporated in pre-registration nursing programmes for all four fields of nursing practice. Although IV cannulation is a commonly performed clinical procedure, it is associated with significant risks and complications, which can cause pain for patients. This article outlines the factors that can cause pain for adult patients requiring a PIVC and recommends that the use of local anaesthetics be more widely considered when inserting a cannula. The identification, prevention and clinical management of commonly occurring painful local complications that can arise post-PIVC insertion are also discussed.


Welyczko, N. (2020) Peripheral intravenous cannulation: reducing pain and local complications. British Journal of Nursing. 29(8), p.S12-S19. doi: 10.12968/bjon.2020.29.8.S12.