
This article reviews the importance of sharing best practices and describes not only how to prepare a manuscript for publication but also resources that will help nurses in this important endeavor” Milner (2016).


Nurses have a professional and ethical obligation to share best practices to advance nursing knowledge and create better outcomes for patients. Practice-based evidence is as important to advancing evidence-based practice as original research. Infusion nurses are in an excellent position to share local best practices more broadly. Writing for publication is a mechanism for disseminating practice-based evidence. This article reviews the importance of sharing best practices and describes not only how to prepare a manuscript for publication but also resources that will help nurses in this important endeavor.

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Milner, K.A. (2016) Sharing Your Knowledge: Getting Your Idea Published. Journal of Infusion Nursing. 39(5), p.297-305.

DOI: 10.1097/NAN.0000000000000188

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