"Here, we present a case of hemodialysis catheter dysfunction due to the insertion of a CTHC tip into the hepatic vein, and into the left ascending lumbar vein at the next attempt" Çelik and Çora (2022).

Examples of hemodialysis catheter malposition


Cuffed-tunneled hemodialysis catheter (CTHC) application via the femoral vein is a safe and effective alternative when peripheral vascular routes are exhausted for hemodialysis in patients with end-stage renal disease. Also, imaging methods have become more important for the diagnosis or prevention of the possible complications that may develop during or after catheter placements. Here, we present a case of hemodialysis catheter dysfunction due to the insertion of a CTHC tip into the hepatic vein, and into the left ascending lumbar vein at the next attempt. We think that the use of fluoroscopy, whether in the first catheter intervention or catheter change, is extremely important in preventing possible complications that may develop, or detecting them as soon as possible.


Çelik E, Çora AR. One patient, two malpositioned hemodialysis catheters, (hepatic vein and ascending lumbar vein), no fluoroscopy. Hemodial Int. 2022 Nov 15. doi: 10.1111/hdi.13056. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36380530.

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