
There is a lack of evidence-based guidance for management of cellulitis and use of outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (OPAT) in children” Ibrahim et al (2019).


There is a lack of evidence-based guidance for management of cellulitis and use of outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (OPAT) in children. The only published guidelines for skin infections are for adults.1 Lack of standardised guidelines for children can result in variation in paediatricians’ practice, with implications on care and resources.2 Our aim was to understand hospital paediatricians’ opinions about cellulitis management, important in reducing variation in care, regarding: (1) indications for using intravenous antibiotics, (2) indications for hospitalisation and (3) barriers to OPAT. This web-based anonymous survey was undertaken over 4 weeks at The Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne. Acute care paediatricians who diagnose and manage cellulitis were surveyed.

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Ibrahim, L.F., Babl, F.E., Hopper, S.M. and Bryant, P.A. (2019) Cellulitis: oral versus intravenous and home versus hospital-what makes clinicians decide? Archives of Disease in Childhood. April 20th. [epub ahead of print]. [Epub ahead of print].