
We report the case of a patient in whom the presence of a valve in the internal jugular vein did not permit a vascular access to be obtained through this vessel” Ciércoles Ramírez et al (2018).


Central venous cannulation is a commonly performed procedure in the hospital setting, while the internal jugular vein is one of the most frequently used to perform central venous access. The presence of venous valves in the jugular veins is a well-known fact, albeit often neglected during central venous cannulation. However, venous valves can make this procedure difficult, increasing the chance of developing complications. We report the case of a patient in whom the presence of a valve in the internal jugular vein did not permit a vascular access to be obtained through this vessel.


Ciércoles Ramírez, L., Batllori Gastón, M. and García Tinoco, M.E. (2018) Internal jugular venous valve as a cause of difficult central venous access. Anales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra. June 26th. [epub ahead of print]. [Article in Spanish].

doi: 10.23938/ASSN.0299.

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