
To compare, quantify, and describe the time-delays associated with four common methods of adrenaline administration in the simulated setting of impending cardiac arrest” Brindley et al (2017).


PURPOSE: To compare, quantify, and describe the time-delays associated with four common methods of adrenaline administration in the simulated setting of impending cardiac arrest.

METHODS: Using sham medication and a high-fidelity simulator, experienced Nurses prepared, then delivered, adrenaline by: i) bolus, ii) lower-concentration infusion iii) higher-concentration infusion, and iv) higher-concentration infusion plus carrier-line. We recorded medication preparation and delivery time, plus administration errors and self-reported competence.

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RESULTS: Median total delay was i) 120s for bolus (95% CI 112-128s); ii) 179s for lower concentration infusion (95% CI 172-186s); iii) 296s for higher concentration infusion (95% CI 285-307s); and iv) 411s for higher concentration infusion plus carrier line (95% CI 399-423s). Time to prepare/deliver a bolus was less than any infusion (p<0.001). Time to prepare/deliver a lower-concentration infusion was less than either higher-concentration infusion (p<0.001). No substantial equipment failures or medication errors were observed. Participants reported high-competence. The majority of delay was from drug preparation not delivery.

CONCLUSIONS: We highlight potentially dangerous delays with administration of life-saving medications by all four methods. We should prioritize boluses, and focus on improving drug preparation times and human performance, more than drug delivery and equipment.


Brindley, P.G., O’Dochartaigh, D., Volney, C., Ryan, S. and Douma, M.J. (2017) Time delays associated with vasoactive medication preparation and delivery in simulated patients at risk of cardiac arrest. Journal of Critical Care. April 7th. [Epub ahead of print].

doi: 10.1016/j.jcrc.2017.04.003.

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