
“Among the nursing interventions aimed at preventing the emergence and spread of infections in hemodialysis, there is the adoption of standard precautions. The most important is the washing hands, followed by the use of D.P.I., the management of the hemodialyzers rooms and other medical devices, the management of vascular access, and finally the educational and psychological support provided to the patient.” Grimaldi (2014).


Grimaldi, R. (2014) The centrality of the nurse in the prevention of the infections in Hemodialysis. Giornale Italiano di Nefrologia. 31(3). [Article in Italian].

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Hemodialysis is an essential life-saving treatment. At the same time, due to the singularity of invasive actions undertaken for its implementation, as well as for the particular impairment of the immune system in patients undergoing hemodialysis, it appears clearly to be a dangerous source of infection. As evidenced by an extensive national and international literature, the nurse is a key figure in the prevention of such infections. Among the nursing interventions aimed at preventing the emergence and spread of infections in hemodialysis, there is the adoption of standard precautions. The most important is the washing hands, followed by the use of D.P.I., the management of the hemodialyzers rooms and other medical devices, the management of vascular access, and finally the educational and psychological support provided to the patient. The combination of these precautionary measures is critical to the achievement of the preventive objectives that each nurse in hemodialysis should pursue.

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