“This prospective randomized controlled study with 975 non-tunneled central venous catheters (CVCs) showed that the semiquantitative roll-plate technique (SQC) was as accurate as the sonication method for diagnosis of catheter-related infections” Erb et al (2014).


This prospective randomized controlled study with 975 non-tunneled central venous catheters (CVCs) showed that the semiquantitative roll-plate technique (SQC) was as accurate as the sonication method for diagnosis of catheter-related infections. Sonication is difficult to standardize whereas SQC is simpler, faster and as reliable as the sonication for culturing CVCs.

Erb, S., Frei, R., Schregenberger, K., Dangel, M., Nogarth, D. and Widmer, A.F. (2014) Sonication for diagnosis of catheter-related infection is not better than traditional roll-plate culture: a prospective cohort study with 975 central-venous catheters. Clinical Infectious Diseases. May 13th. (epub ahead of print).