“Awareness campaigns on the subject of dressing repair and pulsed rinsing were carried out, and nurses were invited to attend training sessions in the form of practical work on PICC care” Fersing et al (2023).

PICC line monitoring in hospitals


The hospital hygiene operational team at the Haguenau Hospital Center in the Bas-Rhin region conducted prospective surveillance of the condition of PICC line dressings both at the time of application and during use for hospitalized patients in 2019 and 2021. Infectious and mechanical complications were identified in both periods. A report on the results of the first survey was proposed to the institution’s professionals. Awareness campaigns on the subject of dressing repair and pulsed rinsing were carried out, and nurses were invited to attend training sessions in the form of practical work on PICC care. The second survey measured the extent, progress, and impact of training on quality of care.


Fersing T, Boursas M, Littel J, Hanssen C, Meunier O. Surveillance des PICC line à l’hôpital dans une démarche d’amélioration de la qualité des soins [Monitoring of PICC lines in hospitals as part of an approach to improving the quality of care]. Soins. 2023 Jan-Feb;68(872):12-17. French. doi: 10.1016/j.soin.2023.01.005. Epub 2023 Jan 31. PMID: 36894224.