"To identify the occurrences related to peripheral venipuncture and hypodermoclysis among patients hospitalized in a general hospital and in an exclusive hospital institution for the care of patients in palliative cancer care" Bolela et al (2022).
Hypodermoclysis or IV infusion in palliative care


Objective: to identify the occurrences related to peripheral venipuncture and hypodermoclysis among patients hospitalized in a general hospital and in an exclusive hospital institution for the care of patients in palliative cancer care.

Method: an observational, descriptive and multicenter study. The consecutive and non-probabilistic sample consisted of 160 cancer patients hospitalized in Palliative Care. The outcome variable corresponded to the occurrences and complications related to each type of puncture. A questionnaire containing the sociodemographic and clinical variables and a structured script for monitoring and daily evaluation of the puncture were used. Descriptive statistics were employed for data analysis.

Results: the occurrences related to venipuncture at a general hospital were blood soiling at catheter insertion (17.4%) and expired use period (15.8%), while at a specific service for the care of patients under palliative care they were expired use period (32%) followed by infiltration (18.9%). As for hypodermoclysis, there were two subcutaneous punctures with phlogistic signs (1.0%) at the general hospital and a hematoma at the catheter insertion site (0.5%). At the specific service for the care of patients under palliative care there were three subcutaneous punctures with phlogistic signs (5.7%).

Conclusion: the number of occurrences related to peripheral venipuncture was higher than those related to hypodermoclysis.


Bolela F, Lima R, Souza AC, Moreira MR, Lago AJO, Simino GPR, Araújo JS. Cancer patients in Palliative Care: occurrences related to venipuncture and hypodermoclysis. Rev Lat Am Enfermagem. 2022;30:e3623. doi: 10.1590/1518-8345.5825.3623. PMID: 35976356; PMCID: PMC9364775.