"The frequency of extravasation in adults is between 0.1% and 6%.2 Some suggest the incidence is decreasing thanks to improved infusion procedure, early recognition of drug leakage, and training" Tarpey et al (2023).
Management of nonchemotherapy medication extravasation


“The frequency of extravasation in adults is between 0.1% and 6%.2 Some suggest the incidence is decreasing thanks to improved infusion procedure, early recognition of drug leakage, and training.

The consequences of fluid leakage from a vessel into surrounding tissue vary depending on the agent being dispensed. Awareness of these agents and their potential consequences will enhance the likelihood of prompt recognition and treatment.”


Tarpey A, Narechania S, Malesker M. What is the optimal approach to infiltration and extravasation of nonchemotherapy medications? Cleve Clin J Med. 2023 May 1;90(5):292-296. doi: 10.3949/ccjm.90a.22029. PMID: 37127343.

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