
This study demonstrated that LR IV bags do not support any bacterial growth for up to 8 hours after spiking” Haas et al (2017).


Protocol changes prompted by the Joint Commission mandating intravenous (IV) fluid bags to be used within 1 hour of spiking because of possible bacterial contamination have sparked clinical and econom- ic concerns. This study investigated the degree of bacterial growth in which samples were obtained from spiked IV fluid bags at the time of spiking and 1, 2, 4, and 8 hours after spiking. No bacterial growth oc- curred in any of the 80 bags of Lactated Ringer’s (LR) IV solutions sampled. This study demonstrated that LR IV bags do not support any bacterial growth for up to 8 hours after spiking.

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Haas, R.E., Beitz, E., Reed, A., Burtnett, H., Lowe, J., Crist Jr, A.E., Stierer Sr, K.A. and Birenberg, A.M. (2017) No bacterial growth found in spiked intravenous fluids over an 8-hour period. American Journal of Infection Control. January 4th. [epub ahead of print].


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