

Tonak, J., Fetscher, S., Barkhausen, J. and Goltz, J.P. (2015) Endovascular recanalization of a port catheter-associated superior vena cava syndrome. The Journal of Vascular Access. May 30th. [epub ahead of print].

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PURPOSE: Superior vena cava (SVC) syndrome owing to benign etiology is rare and endovascular techniques have been advocated as the treatment of choice. We report a case of endovascular revascularization of a port catheter-associated complete occlusion of the SVC with reversed flow in the azygos vein.

METHODS: In this setting using a sheath in combination with its dilatator to pass the occlusion of the SVC after neither a diagnostic catheter nor a PTA balloon would pass the lesion may be a valid option. A dual venous approach was established using the right common femoral vein and an indwelling port catheter in the right cephalic vein to dilate and stent the lesion. Finally, a port may be implanted after the revascularization had been successful.

RESULTS: Passage through the port catheter-associated occlusion of the SVC was only possible by use of the sheath in combination with its dilatator. A dual venous access by the femoral approach and the indwelling central catheter is helpful in treating a SVC occlusion.

CONCLUSIONS: Long-term central venous catheters may cause SVC syndrome, especially with a catheter tip located too far cranially. An endovascular revascularization of a complete occlusion of the SVC represents the therapy of choice.

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