"The rising incidence of multidrug-resistant microorganisms indicates that more interventions are urgently needed to reduce healthcare-associated infections in our intensive care units" Erdem et al (2022).
5-year surveillance of healthcare-associated infections


Objectives: “Nosocomial infections” or “healthcare-associated infections” are a significant public health problem around the world. This study aimed to assess the rate of laboratory-confirmed healthcare-associated infections, frequency of nosocomial pathogens, and the antimicrobial resistance patterns of bacterial isolates in a University Hospital.

Methods: A retrospective evaluation of healthcare-associated infections in a University Hospital, between the years 2015 and 2019 in Tekirdag, Turkey.

Results: During the 5 years, the incidence densities of healthcare-associated infections in intensive care units and clinics were 10.31 and 1.70/1000 patient-days, respectively. The rates of ventilator-associated pneumonia, central line-associated bloodstream infections, and catheter-associated urinary tract infections in intensive care units were 11.57, 4.02, and 1.99 per 1000 device-days, respectively. The most common healthcare-associated infections according to the primary sites were bloodstream infections (55.3%) and pneumonia (20.4%). 67.5% of the isolated microorganisms as nosocomial agents were Gram-negative bacteria, 24.9% of Gram-positive bacteria, and 7.6% of Candida. The most frequently isolated causative agents were Escherichia coli (16.7%) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (15.7%). The rate of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase production among E. coli isolates was 51.1%. Carbapenem resistance was 29.8% among isolates of P. aeruginosa, 95.1% among isolates of Acinetobacter baumannii, and 18.2% among isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae. Colistin resistance was 2.4% among isolates of A. baumannii. Vancomycin resistance was 5.3% among isolates of Enterococci.

Conclusion: Our study results demonstrate that healthcare-associated infections are predominantly originated by intensive care units. The microorganisms isolated from intensive care units are highly resistant to many antimicrobial agents. The rising incidence of multidrug-resistant microorganisms indicates that more interventions are urgently needed to reduce healthcare-associated infections in our intensive care units.


Erdem I, Yıldırım I, Safak B, Karaali R, Erdal B, Ardic E, Dogan M, Kardan ME, Kavak C, Sahin Karadil K, Yildiz E, Topcu B, Kiraz N, Arar C. A 5-year surveillance of healthcare-associated infections in a university hospital: A retrospective analysis. SAGE Open Med. 2022 Apr 19;10:20503121221091789. doi: 10.1177/20503121221091789. PMID: 35465632; PMCID: PMC9021464.

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